Thursday, May 28, 2009

Top 5 things not to say to an adoptive parent . . .

1. He/she is so lucky.

2. Why did his/her mother give him up?

3. You have to be careful-- a lot of kids in orphanages have problems.

4. Any story about a family you know whose adoption has not gone well or whose child has problems.

5. Any negative comment about your child's birth country.


  1. This is SO true! You should look at my blog from a couple of days ago. Can you believe someone asked me if my 2 year old was Communist! That's crazy!!

    Have fun in Krasnoyarsk!!!! It's a great city!


  2. Have a great trip. Vladimir is so lucky! I can't wait to here why his mom gave him up!! Good luck because you know so many people have a bad experience. My friend Joe Blow got run over by a train when he tried to adopt. Make sure to check him out -- he's probably got a lot of problems!

    Sorry - couldn't resist!!

    Will be thinking about you EVERYDAY!! Please post tons about your trip and everything you can. SO excited for you.
