Saturday, July 18, 2009

feeling better

It is Sunday morning and I am feeling much better--no fever or sore throat. It is now only 3 days until Wednesday--have been doing a lot of reading and try to go out a couple of times a day for a walk and something to eat. I am looking forward to Wednesday and even more to Friday.


  1. Hi, Glad to hear that you are feeling better, it's not much fun being sick away from home...really doesn't help time pass quickly. Right I've been thinking about my list and I think that I may have sold myself a bit short. So I'm going to add swim with dolphins, see a whale up close ( you can do this in New Zealand, but not on the North Island where I live. I once was on holiday in the South Island but didn't go whale watching because I thought it was too expensive, now I know what expensive really is...and it's called three trips to Russia! I would also like to see a lion or a tiger up close, but not too close! It would be too ironic to die while trying to complete a bucket list task. Well that's all for now, probably by Wednesday my list will be really long, really expensive and almost humanly impossible to complete in one lifetime! Hope your time is passing more quickly now that you are feeling better. I found that the first 5-6 days were the worst, after day 6 time went a lot quicker.

  2. Thanks so much Sarah--I think I just hit day 5 and I have 5 more to go! Once I hit Wednesday, I will be fine.

  3. Glad you are on the mend. It's so much harder being sick away from home, especially when there's not much to do! However, better now than when you have your little guy to keep up with!!

    Can't wait until you are back in the US! Can't wait to see the little guys pictures!

  4. So glad to hear you are feeling better. I asked God to hold off on throwing anything more your way. Having to wait months, then weeks, then days and then get sick is all too much to bear. I could have sworn he/she responded "ok". So, here on in, every moment should make you feel like you are getting closer...closer to the orphange, closer to Vlad, closer to being home, and closer to being home with him. What a joyful moment that will be! And the things I want to do before I die...mmm...well...teach, Vlad's cousin Matthew to have his aunt's courage, strength, perseverence, sense of humor and of course, reading comprehesion and vocabulary! What a gift Vlad and you will be to each other!
    Love Dan
